Purify water

Photo Courtesy: VOA Indonesia (A short demonstration of water purification using polymerized electrode method)

WHO’s shocking prediction upon the number of people died annually due to unclean water consumption had reached 800 thousand. This inordinate amount of water is distributed daily using old pipelines that are corroded triggering the outbreak of diseases and hazardous contamination. To help government in tackling the issue, scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed the simplest way to separate pollutants immersed in water and purify water afterwards by means of simple electric current transfer with the aid of polymerized electrode.

The water-contained pollutants are placed inside the electrode chamber and contacted with two different polar of electrodes. Polymer’s presence on top of the electrode surface will generate a flowing current to absorb one specific pollutant. Pollutants are dispersed homogeunously in the water using magnetic stirrer to aid the absorption and scavenging process of the pollutants.

The key to make a selective absorption is the polymerized electrode which can be charged up adjusting the type of pollutant charge. This new method of water purification is categorized to be eco-friendly in contrast to the common water purification methods using high-pressurized technique, thermal energy, and synthetic chemicals. Differed from any common water purification, the former purification methods can only separate micro-sized pollution with a low concentration. Implementation and scale-up of this method from laboratory scope to the larger industrial scope are therefore promising.

Observe the detailed news on VOA Indonesia: https://www.voaindonesia.com/a/pemanfaatan-arus-listrik-untuk-penjernihan-air/4188436.html

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