Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

Forest and Why It Should be Protected According to UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)

Forest commodities’ contribution to local welfare from fruits, vegetables, and medicinal plants are well-known to provide the continuous support for local economics. The roles of forest service and the biodiversity contained within meet the global objectives of sustainable development goals to provide a sustainable development for the population while still preserving the biodiversity. According to World Resource Institute, forest products supply more than 20 percent of the household income for local families (SDG 1) and tropical forests shelter most of the world’s terrestrial biological diversity (SDG 15). Beyond that, forests are increasingly recognized as a key strategic element to stabilize our climate (SDG 13).

As the fifth biggest emitter of global greenhouse gases worldwide, more progressive approaches towards forest protection can safeguard and even advance the forest conservation and alleviate forest exploitation to an extent of improving equity and accountability of the country.

Why SDG is Crucial to Telapak’s Actions

“Collectively, The Sustainable Development Goals define a multi-stakeholder partnership involving government, the private sector, and civil society and seek to address the root causes of poverty and provide a universal development model that works for all people. The agenda was unanimously adopted by the 193 Member States of the United Nations.” (Rimba Raya, 2017).

Three development dimensions that have been integrated within the RPJMN (Five-Year Medium-Term Development Plans) 2015 – 2019 cover: (1) social development, (2) economic development, and (3) environmental development, and supported by (4) the provision of access to justice and good governance. The fundamental transformation of SDGs is the environmental friendly internalization and sustainable human development into the economic development and sustainable livelihoods.

Telapak’s Contribution to Accomplish SDG’s Target

One of the main contributions of SDGs for Indonesia is to sharpen indicators of more measurable development and achievement as well as to ensure that development benefits all. Telapak’s proven track records and initiative plans stand in alignment with UN SDGs to strengthen inclusive development through community-driven natural resource management on forestry, agriculture, fisheries, renewable energy, and ecotourism. In order to achieve the global objectives for the segmented focus areas, Telapak synergizes with international development partners that came from multidimensional corporations, institutions, and organizations.


In this line of programs, Telapak’s former mission to transform main illegal logger to certified logger aligns with SDGs global objectives (15). Through the establishment of cooperatives across several provinces throughout Indonesia archipelago, Telapak has empowered local community to move their economic ladder while still preserving the forest as a supplementary component for their livings.

Global Objectives of SDGs for Forest Preservation Cover:

Global objective 1: reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide through sustainable forest management, including protection, restoration, afforestation and reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation.

In this case, Telapak has prepared local communities through empowerment and capacity building to implement sustainable forest management through replanting scheme by arranging the annual allowable cut and partnering with BLU and SOBI (PT. Sosial Bisnis Indonesia).

Global objective 2: enhance forest-based economic, social and environmental benefits, including by improving the livelihoods of forest dependent people.

In this case, community-based cooperatives emphasizing on the sustainable natural resource management have been established by Telapak in Kulonprogo, Jogjakarta (KWLM) and in South Konawe (KHJL) with thousands of locals partaking within the cooperative to aid Telapak in achieving its mission.

Global objective 3: Increase significantly the area of protected forests worldwide and other areas of sustainably managed forests, as well as the proportion of forest products from sustainably managed forests

The scheme of natural resource management instilled to local communities’ senses ensures them to manage the forest and biodiversity in a responsibly sustainable manner without being afraid of losing the prosperity taken from it.

Global objective 4: reverse the decline in official development assistance for sustainable forest management and mobilize significantly increased, new and additional financial resources from all sources for the implementation of sustainable forest management

Being involved in the cooperative has increased the generated income of local communities in a way that also matters for preserving the forest ecosystem for future generations.


Telapak plans to implement community-based sustainable agriculture to achieve food security and sovereignty.


Telapak has founded Angel Traveler that seeks to transform the conventional way of traveling and tourism industry into something that benefits and empowers local community and environment by infrastructure building (conservation, education, culture, and empowerment) that follows GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) criteria.

Angel Traveler established the community-based tourism that bridges the needs of local initiatives with private sectors (individuals and investors) without the meddling of intermediaries which sets local apart from reaping the advantage on behalf of their welfare.

Renewable Energy

Telapak has a vision to cooperate with private sectors and energy-related alliances to build renewable energy in order to reduce global greenhouse gas emission and tackle climate change issues.


Telapak has a vision to implement community-based fisheries that benefit local fishermen and preserve aquatic life contained within the ocean web.

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