coral reefs

Photo Courtesy: Beth Watson (Closer Landscape of Coral Reef in Raja Ampat, Papua)

The increasing ever of global temperature due to global warming emission worldwide could have a negative impact on coral reefs’ proclivity. Unfriendly mining impacting a lot of fish habitat living around the circumference of coral reef makes the fish population disturbed and their regeneration is hindered. When we do not know how to make an escape way toward this destruction, scientists from University of Edinburgh, Scotland, are on their way in developing a brilliant breakthrough to regenerate more and more coral reefs in a biologically apprehended manner.

Call it Corallith. A larva sediment lies on the dead reef surface and from that small entity, the larva will grow to generate a viably new coral reef. Due to sticking to the unanchored part of the reefs, Corallith is movable or displaceable to follow the recurring tidal wave. This will help the expansion of the coral reef’s new growth.

This invention for sustaining a million lives of coral reefs is deemed to be important due to the past extinction of half number of coral reefs following the inevitable rise of global temperature. Coral reefs sustain more than 25 percent of all living species submerging in the ocean.

Aside from the succession of the idea, much effort remains to be done in order to verify the endurance of Corrallith, especially in striving around the severely intense temperature and high acidity level of salt sea.

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